Workshops and Groups of 2 and 3 hours for everyone
Tantric Osho Meditations , Tandava and others
Meditation is a state of grace that we can all attain. Come and share the experience of meditation with us on Fridays at 7:30 p.m!
In "Jardin Paraíso"
In Tantranz we give you the opportunity to experience several techniques so that you know what your path to serenity, expansion and love is. The Osho Meditations are rich and varied. Many have movement to then reach a deeper silence. Tandava, contemplation and other pearls of the tantric path teach us to be more comfortable in our body and to use the Senses as doors to transcendence
"Meditation is the laboratory of tranquility," Daniel Odier. "Love is the most beautiful rose that grows on the bush of meditation," Osho.
Osho says in the Book of Secrets:“ "The purpose of tantra is not simply to provide people with a better sex life, rather it is to use countless situations and encounters of the ordinary life of human beings, including sex, as gateways to the experience of meditation. Meditation is an internal state in which in fact all beliefs, doctrines and ready-made answers have disappeared, leaving only pure and thought-free consciousness, which can perceive reality directly, as it is[...]
Dancing your path: Tantranz, the dance.
"Tantranz, the dance" is an intensification of the perception of each part of our body entering into a free and conscious movement until reaching a state of meditative ecstasy similar to trance.
tantranz-ladanzaAn opportunity to dance following our body, guided to discover unknown possibilities of movement, without effort or pressure, encouraging our muscles and joints to flex along with our emotions
The key to Tantranz is to be able to find the natural movement, without effort, through an initial guide that rests on the music, where contact with our movement, opens contact with others, and finally with transcendence. The technique we use is not to create professional dancers but people more integral in their ability to perform, refine their purpose and see to be able to realize it from an intelligent action, understand, link and enjoy the different states of life
Inspirados en Los 5 ritmos universales de Gabriele Roth, el Tandava según Daniel Odier y la Visión de Osho, Nataraj acompaña a un grupo a danzar su camino y comprender la meditación como parte integrante de nuestra vida dinámica, sin esfuerzo, con consciencia y ritmo interno.
De manera juguetona, vamos encontrando el enraizamiento, los círculos esenciales de nuestra era reptil, que se expanden hasta poner en movimiento todo el sistema humano desde lo femenino.
Entonces llamamos al eje de lo masculino para hallar la forma, la transformación en la vibración, la liberación de la energía pura y la liviandad simple donde podemos percibir el movimiento cósmico en la quietud de nuestro cuerpo danzado.
Así comprendemos nuestras raíces femeninas, abrimos nuestras alas masculinas y atravesamos el mundo como un pájaro más allá de todo género.
Danzamos algunos martes y/o viernes de 19.30 a 21.30 y en grupos prolongados de una o dos jornadas
Taller de Tantra de 3 horas.
“Taller de Tantra de 3 Hs.” nos ayuda a reconocer la circulación energética dentro de nuestro propio cuerpo y a aprender a habitarla, compartirla con otros y así poder confiar más y crear.
Opening the heart, we go to the encounter of breathing, movement, gaze, the circulation of energy through the energy centers (chakras) and its feminine and masculine interaction within and without
Its dynamic is simple: it begins with a brief talk where everyone can also ask their questions. It continues with the experience of activating one's own vital energy through movement and breathing. And it leads us to recognize ourselves from the look and the conscious approach with other human beings.
As the name implies, the purpose is to open the heart in a safe space, where friendliness, play and meditation are the main guides
Como su nombre lo indica, el propósito es abrir el corazón en un espacio seguro, donde la amigabilidad, el juego y la meditación, son las guias principales.
This workshop accompanies each individual to bond with greater capacity and cleanliness, learning to recognize the pillars of the tantric path at the same time.
It can be done many times, because each group gives it a different character. It is a permanent invitation to experience the true Tantra, the path of expanded presence, enjoyment, love and creativity.
Kashmirian Tantric Massage
The tantric massage with oil par excellence. Fluid, spherical and expansive. An experience of the continuity of everything, of eroticism with life, of spandae (the essential vibration) and an experience of communication
The Tantranz Massage of Kashmir teaches us to experience relating from the spherical universe of tantra, exploring the connection with ourselves, with others and with transcendence through contact, breathing and movement.
It is practiced with oil between fellow tantrikas in a safe and loving space. It is not a genital massage, nor does it involve invasive touch. It is learning to play with the Presence and fluidity of no-mind. It is pure poetry in motion. No es un masaje genital, ni involucra toques invasivos. Es aprender a tocar con la Presencia y fluidez de la no-mente. Es pura poesía en movimiento.
"The body is consciousness, consciousness is totality” Daniel Odier
An understanding of coming into contact from Presence, with no other intention than to create space... "and when space is ready, the Whole flows within." Osho
What will we learn? You will learn the practice of a physical trust with different types of touches by listening step by step to what each body asks. Sphericity, circular breathing and the perception of space in contact will be our teachers. Tandava meditation/dance, our method. Daniel Odier and Osho our inspirers.
In this way we will integrate our emotions by relaxing in their intensity. A full and soothing vitality.
"All emotion emerges from tranquility and there returns after a circular journey. Each hatching that we accompany to its source leads us to tranquility without leaving unconscious residues. .. There is no past, everything is done in the immediacy of the fire in the heart" Daniel Odier L ́incendie du coeur
Tandagua: Dance and Massage in the warm water
Tandava is the millenary dance of Shiva. According to Daniel Odier, this dance is developed by learning to move as if we were inside a hot swimming pool.
Tandagua emerged from this inspiration and the many years working with dance and inside the heated pool (watsu, jahara, etc.) Tandagua is also a way to understand tandava by moving and taking others to relax in the water... It is a unique experience which opens us to greater surrender, trust and flexibility, it softens the hard, integrates what lies appart, repairs and enables.
We work in a heated swimming pool, where everybody can stand on their feet. It does not require us to put our head under water at any time. It is a meditation, a massage and a conscious breathwork that restores us to the experience of being whole and nurtured.