Ma Deva Nataraj
Body Therapist, Meditator and Researcher in the path of Tantra.
For more than 36 years she has been accompanying people to develop their full potential as a trainer and therapist. She is a Tantric, Californian, Cranio-Sacral and Biodynamic massage therapist. She began her path in Gestalt, then moved on to biodynamics, rebirthing and more recently Somatic Experiencing. 20 years ago, she chose the path of Tantra, initially training with Deva Nishok. For the last 11 years she has shared the vision of the path with Homa and Mukto and is a disciple of Daniel Odier. She has accompanied and developed Therapeutic and Tantra Training Groups in Argentina, Brazil, USA, Italy and Great Britain. Nataraj speaks 5 languages and has a passion for life and the communication and integration between all beings. He currently directs "Jardin Paraiso, Centro de Investigación del Alma en el Cuerpo" in Buenos Aires, Argentina and is part of the therapeutic team of Osheanic International in Fortaleza, Brazil. She is a member of the "Supporting those who support" team that works on stress reduction in the medical population of the Hospitals of the City of Buenos Aires. From all this journey, she integrates her experience and develops her method "Tantranz, the Movement of Love", sharing her practice and teaching around the world. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Osho Meditation Facilitator. Trained in Tantra and Tantric massage in Tantranz and with Homa and Mukto in Osheanic International. And currently a disciple of Daniel Odier.
Agricultural Engineer (UCA). For 20 years he has been exploring the Inner Alchemy (Zulma Reyos), play and creativity as tools for self-knowledge and the interaction between masculine and feminine in the path of consciousness (XI House). She participates in Tantranz - The movement of love from the beginning.
Tantranz Team
Graduate in Economics, Osho Meditations Facilitator and Massage Therapist Dhyanesh approached Tantranz to learn about Tantric Massage in 2014 and since then he has been intensely involved in Seminars and Research Workshops, Training groups and Tantra, Dance and Meditation practices. Dhyanesh is a reikist, he completed his training as an Osho Meditations Facilitator and as a Tantranz Massage Therapist, today he is part of the Tantranz team as a Facilitator, facilitating Osho meditations and as a Tantran Massage massage therapist. The author of "Be Aware. Less mind and more awareness for a full life." Ed. Dunken.
Graduate in Administration UBA She developed her Commercial Career at AVON COSMETICS for 27 years. Since 2001 she was in charge of the Marketing and Sales Department for South Latin America until her retirement in 2014. Withdrawing from her, Claudia begins an active personal search for her. She participates in the Osho Carnival organized by Tantranz in February 2015 and becomes a regular participant. In addition to completing her training as an Osho Meditation Facilitator, Claudia has training in Ontological Coaching, in Dance Movement Therapy (Brecha) and is a Transpersonal Gestalt Therapist (Center for Gestalt Studies). She currently accompanies others on their learning path in Tantra and Meditation as a Facilitator in the Tantranz team.
Pharmacist, Oasis Body Therapist, Biodynamic Biorelaxer, Ayurveda Therapist and Ontological and Eutonistic Coach.
With complete training at U.B.A., Oasis School of Californian Massage, Biodynamics of Supporting those who Support, School of Protagonist of Change and Argentine and Latin American Association of Eutonists.
Angie collaborates with Tantranz from the integration of tantra, biodynamics, eutonia and Ayurveda culture.
She is a teacher and assistant of Tantranz
Deva Dasi did her first training as a journalist at TEA. She worked for 11 years at Para Ti magazine where she ended up serving as creator and editor of her own project: Para Ti Fit. In parallel, she was developing a digital community on Instagram (@agusdandri) where she is accompanied by more than 270,000 followers interested in fitness, conscious eating and spirituality. In 2015 she published her first book (Diary of a fit girl), in 2018 the second (Legally fit) and this year the third will be released where she merges, for the first time, fitness with spirituality and tantra. . In 2021 she graduated as an Osho meditation facilitator in Tantranz. And she is currently in training (personal and professional) learning Tantranz massage, tantric meditations and tarot. Entrepreneur and seeker, Deva Dasi accompanies us as a student and older sister guiding her companions on the way.
Juliana Sanchez
She is an Architect, Reikist, Bioenergetic Therapist, Meditator, Director of Spa Magnolia and mom. Juliana combines the quality of listening, suitability in what she does, versatility, availability and dedication to service. She -in 2021 she joined the training of Tantranz Meditators and currently she is training with us as a Tantranz Masseur. Architect (UBA 1996-2003) - Holistic architecture (UBA 2020 postgraduate) - Tarotist (2017) - Master in Reiki Tera Mai (2018) - Bioenergetic body therapist (2019 - 2021 Bioschool) - Generator of Magnolia Holistic Spa since 2018 - Osho meditation facilitator (2021 seminar in Tantranz)
Daniel H Fernandez
Meditator and collaborator of Tantranz.
He is a director, actor, theater teacher and cultural manager. He began his studies in 1982 and trained in Theater Directing with Juan Carlos Gené, Rubén Szuchmacher and in Directing at UNA.
He is a founding member of the Los Oberiú Theater Project, a group specialized in performing shows for children and young people.
He has been awarded the ATINA prize for the show Wasap (2014) and for Cantata de Pedro y la guerra (2018) with the Florencio Prize in Uruguay
From 2014 to 2021 he was part of the Executive Committee of ASSITEJ INTERNACIONAL, an entity dedicated to theater for children and young people in the world, being its Vice President between 2017 and 2021.
He was Manager of the Popular University of Belgrano (UPeBe) from 2006 to 2021.
Since 1994 he has been a theater teacher at the UPeBe School
Patricio Petrone.
Collaborator and Tantranz Masseur
trained at Osheanic International with Nataraj.
From Biodanza to DEEP MANUAL MASSAGE at CIMA (Comprehensive Bodybuilding and Aerobics Center), going through foot reflexology, Usui Reiki and Access Bars, Patricio today works as a Tantranz massage therapist and facilitates Osho Meditations.
Tantranz Brasil
Belo Horizonte.
Meditator and Masotherapist Tantranz.
Formada em administração de empresas em 2021 decidiu mudar de carreira. Hoje trabalha com massoterapia ayurveda, tantra, meditações Osho, aromaterapia e técnicas de respiração.
Ana Carolina está formada como Facilitadora de Meditacoes Osho com Tantranz e tambem como Massoterapeuta Tantranz.
No seu percorso tántrico tambem tem feito formacao com Homa e Mukto.
Whatsapp: +55 31 988081231
Body Therapist and Coordinator of Espaço Sense Integrative Practices.
Jonatas is a Tantranz Massage Therapist and facilitates some other therapies:
* Massage therapy in general
* Systemic Myofascial Release
* Somatic Experience - SE
* Reiki
* Meditation and Relaxation Practices
*Tantric Therapeutic Massage
* Coordination of Activities in Development Groups
+55(61) 99318.9113
She is Reikiana, agroforestry, aromatherapist, personal development facilitator, body and tantric therapist (Deva Nishok method, Tantranz method - Ma Deva Nataraj), Yoga teacher (Awaken Love Yoga), Ayurvedic Yoga Massage therapist (Kussum Modak method), designer (Marangoni Institute), art director (ESI MODE) and journalist (IESB).
Contact: +55(61) 99968-0403 Email: alcoforadocamila@gmail.com
Joao Pessoa, Natal, Recife.
Facilitator of Osho meditations and the Gurdjeff system, holistic therapist with extensive experience in the enneagram, with more than 20 years in works of meditation in the Rose Cross, theosophy, gnosis, esoteric schools, international training in tantric massage Tantraz method with (Madeva Nataraj ), training in Sacred Intimacy with (Deva Puja), training in hip nose level advanced by the Gnosis school.
Atualmente participo do movimento Tantranz.
Sou especialista em telecomunicações e computação e pós-graduado em criptografia e segurança da informação. Atualmente atuando como terapeuta.
Sat Nam significa (Identidade presente), nome recebido da escola kundalini de yoga e celebrado em retiro primal com Nirdosh Kora no Osheanic International.
Contato: +55 83 9 81036515
Instagram @satnam.tandava
Naiane Agni Tara
Masoterapeuta Tantranz y productora de Tantranz Bahia.
Initially trained in Tantra by the Deva Nishok method and later by Tantranz with Ma Deva Nataraj, Naiane has been on the path of self-knowledge for 15 years. She has completed training in Reiki, Family Constellations, Management and Nonviolent Communication. She has also participated in several Neurolinguistic Programming and interpersonal communication courses.
Hoy Naiane siente que su interés está enfocado en la educación emocional y en una sexualidad consciente para acompañar personas a encontrar su poder personal y poder transformarse en lo que realmente pueden llegar a ser.
Es terapeuta de Masaje Tantranz y productora de Tantranz en San Salvador, Bahía, Brazil.
Marília Munford (Lila)
Masoterapeuta Tantranz.
Es Terapeuta Tántrica Integrativa y Masoterapeuta desde hace más de 20 años. Graduada e Fisioterapia y Educación Física, com formaçión en Pilates y Fisioterapia Pélvica. Lila, también es Reikiana, Terapeuta del sistema de Yoga Massagem Ayurvédica (Kusum Modak) , estudiosa y practicante de las medicinas ancestrales del Tantra y del Chamanismo.
Marilia desarrolla su enfoque terapéutico en Tantra integrando los conocimientos académicos, el arte y la conexión con la espiritualidad.
Es facilitadora de “Corpo Tántrico” con la Chama Trina y terapeuta Tantranz en San Salvador, Bahía.
Glaucia Marton
Terapeuta Tantranz y productora de Tantranz en Ubatuba.
Apasionada por los misterios del Ser y de la vida, se formó como psicóloga en la UNIP-SP, con postgrado en psicología transpersonal en ALUBRAT. Cursó Biopsicología con la Dra. Susan Andrews y se especializó en Psicologia del Deporte con la Dra. Katia Rubion entre varios otros aprendizajes y especializaciones.
Trabajó durante 22 años e diferentes áreas de la psicología, del coaching empresarial y con atletas profesionales.
Desde el año 2009 se interesó especialmente por el Tantra, formándose con el Instituto Visión Futuro, la Cia Do Ser, con Homa y Mukto, y con Nataraj en Tantranz.
Desde hace 9 años logra realizar su sueño y abre un espacio terapéutico con hospedaje en la Praia de Itamambuca-Ubatuba- el Espacio CurAmar, donde se dedica a la conducción de retiros, rituales e inmersiones y a la realización de atenciones individuales y de parejas.
Cleyton Sales,
Terapeuta, Educador e Mentor nas áreas de Relacionamento e Sexualudade, Formafo em Terapêuticas Tântricas, Renascimento, hipnose Terapêutica, Neurociência, e traz em sua prática diversas abordagem que ajudam no processo corpo, mente como a Bio energética e a terapias Reichianas.
Fundador da Escola Mundo Tantra e do Portal Amor e Consciência, o espaço Terapeutico que fica no litoral Sul de Pernambuco, Brasil!
Tantranz WorldWide
Forrest Row - Devon.
Anna Haber is a Tantranz 1 & 2 certified massage therapist. She is also certified in Arun Conscious Touch and Alchemy of Touch. She is a certified KRI Kundalini Yoga and Meditation teacher. She practices and studies Zen & Tea, Kundalini Yoga Therapy, Tantra, Shamanism, BioDynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release. She has been holding retreats and workshops alongside master teachers, shamans and healers in the field of Shamanism, Embodiment, Tantra, Women’s work, Conscious Touch, Family and Systemic Constellations and Systems Thinking. It has given her great pleasure over the years to introduce international teachers whose work has deeply moved her to a wider audience, and also to bridge the gap between spirituality and business. She shares and teaches a distillation of all she has learned from ancient traditions, the wisdom of her teachers, and her own ongoing experience of awakening to her authentic self.
You can learn more about her here: http://www.annahaber.com
Boulder, Co. USA
Amy McFarling is a Certified Somatic Sex Educator and Intimacy Guide. Her great passion is helping people feel truly “at home in their own skin.” Amy works with individuals and couples, in person and via Zoom, to develop the skills of authenticity and deeper intimacy in all their relationships (with self, with other).
Amy is a Certified Tantranz Massage Therapist. Of the many modalities she uses, Amy particularly loves the Tantranz approach: it’s accessible and fun to experience/learn (even to the pure beginner), and it invites us into a relationship with pleasure as a teacher. Most people find that this has far deeper implications in life than simply feeling good in their bodies!
Amy’s value to clients stems from her deep, embodied listening. She transmits and teaches presence and acceptance in all her sessions. She believes that the key to maintaining equilibrium in these turbulent times is a return to innocence: the innocent acceptance of our humanity, via our most personal vehicle - our bodies. Learn more about Amy here: www.nakedwisdom.coach
She is a fully certified Tantranz Massage Practitioner and represents the spirit of Presence and pleasure combined with an open heart that makes of Tantranz “love through touch.”
Welcome to Jardín Paraíso
Our home, our place with the name we chose to represent "our space of transformation", provides us with the framework of containment and love to develop our programs.