Tantranz Trainings 2023
Our invitation: The year 2023 challenges us to be able to make a conscious transformation in times of crisis. We believe relaxation is beyond all ideology, that is why meditating, dancing, loving and opening ourselves to feel more fully can only help us to find our way. Join us in the journey!
"Osho Meditation is a forceful tool to empty ourselves of the noise we carry inside and allow life to fill this space instead!" Ma Deva Nataraj
- Relax, cleanse, heal and enjoy through Osho meditation techniques
- Understand the scope of Osho's active meditations, and learn to apply the techniques to your life.
- Train in a group where you belong.
- Train to be an Osho meditation facilitator.
- Use new tools in your own therapeutic spaces to accompany people.
Some participants of this course may be invited to work accompanying people with meditation in the Tantranz team. The modules can be done individually and without correlation, only those who want to facilitate Osho meditations from the Tantranz approach, must take all 4 modules. For all above, participating in the Friday meditations in person or any other online is both encouraged and recommended.
Tantranz Training : "The Heart at Stake"
Social Meditations, conscious touch, integrating everything. The art of polarity and group strength.
Massage of the 2nd and 3rd body. How to read a group, integrate, transcend and strengthen.
In August, September and October the participants in training will be invited to do meditation practices guiding people in Jardin Paraiso. We suggest some Fridays.
Kashmirian Tantric Massage
The tantric massage with oil par excellence. Fluid, spherical and expansive. An experience of the continuity of everything, of eroticism with life, of spandae (the essential vibration) and an experience of communication
The Tantranz Massage of Kashmir teaches us to experience relating from the spherical universe of tantra, exploring the connection with ourselves, with others and with transcendence through contact, breathing and movement.
It is practiced with oil between fellow tantrikas in a safe and loving space. It is not a genital massage, nor does it involve invasive touch. It is learning to play with the Presence and fluidity of no-mind. It is pure poetry in motion. No es un masaje genital, ni involucra toques invasivos. Es aprender a tocar con la Presencia y fluidez de la no-mente. Es pura poesía en movimiento.
"The body is consciousness, consciousness is totality” Daniel Odier
An understanding of coming into contact from Presence, with no other intention than to create space... "and when space is ready, the Whole flows within." Osho
What will we learn? You will learn the practice of a physical trust with different types of touches by listening step by step to what each body asks. Sphericity, circular breathing and the perception of space in contact will be our teachers. Tandava meditation/dance, our method. Daniel Odier and Osho our inspirers.
In this way we will integrate our emotions by relaxing in their intensity. A full and soothing vitality.
"All emotion emerges from tranquility and there returns after a circular journey. Each hatching that we accompany to its source leads us to tranquility without leaving unconscious residues. .. There is no past, everything is done in the immediacy of the fire in the heart" Daniel Odier L ́incendie du coeur
Tandagua: Dance and Massage in the warm water
Tandava is the millenary dance of Shiva. According to Daniel Odier, this dance is developed by learning to move as if we were inside a hot swimming pool.
Tandagua emerged from this inspiration and the many years working with dance and inside the heated pool (watsu, jahara, etc.) Tandagua is also a way to understand tandava by moving and taking others to relax in the water... It is a unique experience which opens us to greater surrender, trust and flexibility, it softens the hard, integrates what lies appart, repairs and enables.
We work in a heated swimming pool, where everybody can stand on their feet. It does not require us to put our head under water at any time. It is a meditation, a massage and a conscious breathwork that restores us to the experience of being whole and nurtured.
Tantranz Training: "Being the Tide" The most complete version of our Training in: Tandagua, Kashmirian Tantra and Massage.
En Carilo/Valeria del Mar del 10 al 15 de noviembre 2023
In this training we will explore the fundamental aspects of Kashmirian Tantra from Tantranz’s perspective. Being the Tide is a voyage through the senses that teaches us to relate to our body, our environment, other people and transcendence in a new way. The way of Kashmirian Tantra as we live is, enables us to perceive the relationship between all living beings and develop a sense of the continuity of everything,
It is Tantra at its best. Relating to life erotically. To experience it we need the ocean, the Woods meeting the sea under the open sky and to start experiencing an oceanic sense of living as an authentic reality that we can enjoy.
Kashmirian massage as we teach it in this training allows us to relate to another body as we relate to the whole, connecting from each of our tides toward an enveloping softness which returns us to infinite space.
In this group, Nataraj conveys her understanding of Tantric Massage, of Tandagua (the massage inside the warm swimming pool) and the arrival of Tandava (the esencial dance of Shiva which inspires this massage) from Gabriele Roth’s “Wave.”
The result is the possibility to surrender, integrate, open up to intuition and learn subtle techniques of contact to communicate with other bodies, other beings and enhance the life in all.
The place: Carilo/Valeria del mar is an eco village, with no asphalt on the streets, beautiful houses, a respectful quiet environment full of pine trees that meet the ocean. Ideal for our journey and the home of “Being the Tide” and other Tantranz Trainings for 12 years now.
Cupo limitado a 16 participantes. En Español e Inglés. Inscripcion Abierta
Other Groups to participate
Love through touch: Tantranz Massage
Tantranz Massage is the art of touching and being touched with awareness, to awaken the natural potential of healing ecstasy that our own body possesses. We teach subtle touch, rooted touch, touch of the heart, touch with and without oil, pauses, communication and lovingness. Genitality is not the goal, but the totality of sensation in body and soul.
Pure energy (chinmayo) has a spontaneous orgasmic potential; That is why mystics experience ecstasy when they contact this energy which they call divine or sacred. They feel togetherness, compassion and love on an extraordinary level, the absence of all fault, wholeness. On the other hand, orgasm is defined as a neuromuscular reflex. In relation to an energy discharge, the muscle reacts by triggering a specific mechanism whose result is a set of sensations and perceptions. In our culture we are used to relating this effect to sex, but in Tantra, we learn that energy is naturally orgasmic in content. In this way we recover our ability to fully experience each moment. The human body possesses an electrical potential that restores organic balance, a rejuvenating power. Reich called that electric potential Orgon. In reality all diseases exist when, in some way, for some reason, the flow of this energy (which the Orientals call Prana or Chi) is interrupted or blocked. The tantric mobilization of this energy is something perceptible in many respects, something healing that produces intense pleasure and joy
In the development of Tantranz Massage, this wave awakens us but does not overwhelm us. Incorporating the biodynamic experience we take electricity to find a new energy curve, where the vibrant becomes oceanic, expansive and relaxing. Thus we reach the feeling of being able to understand, embrace and share the essentiality of the whole, closely linked to the astral body. It is necessary to learn and practice the techniques described above to access this experience
Massage Training, Part 1 and 2
It is for people interested in
- Learn the Art of Tantric Massage
- Become more aware through touch.
- Offer TANTRANZ massage sessions.
- Develop touch, sensuality, sexuality and energy movement in a safe environment.
- Explore subtle energies learning how to distinguish the energy flux in different people.
- Dissolve energy blocks in the body that can have an impact on other subtle bodies.
- Improve communication between people.
- Give each sex more knowledge about its own genre and about the opposite sex.
- Give more tools and prowess to therapies involved with sexuality.
- Integrate Sex with Meditation.
Tantranz Training Massage
Part I: The Energy Waves, entering the flow of life The art of touching and being touched with awareness, awakening extasy, the natural healing potential of our own body
Inviting stagnant energy to awaken and flow, Tantranz Massage favours the integration between sacred giving and receiving. It eases communication between masculine and feminine aspects of our being, allowing the free circulation of lovingness
The human body has an electrical potential capable of restoring organic balance. Reich called this potential Orgon. He believed that all deseases exist when this energy flow (which some call Prana or Chi) is interrupted or blocked.
In level 1, The Energy Waves, participants learn 1)to root themselves in Presence and connect their touch to the source, 2) to flow in themselves and around another body with touch, 3) to release loaded tension and remove stasis by specific contacts of the first body and pressure on energy points.
4) to use subtle touch at skin level without oil or any additions to activate natural electricity and allow it to flow freely from the basis to the crown, producing a sense of expansion and joy. 5) to Integrate this expansion, feeling the totality of our potential in the body and beyond.
This training teaches something about Marma points, the light touch and Tandava, the sacred dance of Shiva
This Massage Training is for single males and females who are ready to explore in a safe and friendly environment with people of the opposite sex or for couples who want to learn another way of communicating through touch
This training involves people with all levels of experience
Tantranz Training Massage
Part II. Real Transcendence: Union of Sex and the Heart. In this module, we practice the combination of rooted and subtle touch with more awareness of how to approach each individual. Students learn to recognize what touch is needed in each patient in the Present Moment.
In this module, we practice the combination of rooted and subtle touch with more awareness of how to approach each individual.
Students learn to recognize what touch is needed in each patient in the Present Moment.
El objetivo es permitir la apertura y la expansión con contención.
For this purpose we deepen the knowledge of Chakras and Energy Body. We also teach how to read the patient and to elicit complicity for healing
Hence, we explore the inclusion of genital touch, awareness of rhythm, integration, pulse, and the gradual expansion of feeling into a sense of totality.
We combine the rise of energy that gives us power with a greater courage to feel each part of the way, allowing transformation rather than pushing the limit.
We use Presence and Felt Sense to accompany touch.
We enhance our capacity to feel, accept and share.
Part II also addresses how to work with patients for those interested, and we share a basic protocol for an individual session.