Tantranz Massage Training 2

Training de Masaje Tantranz Parte 2:  Trascendencia real: uniendo el sexo y el corazón.

Aprenda el lenguaje específico para cada cuerpo en cada momento. Refinando su toque, haga de cada contacto  real  algo sagrado.
In this module, we practice the combination of rooted and subtle touch with more awareness of how to approach each individual.
Students learn to recognize what touch is needed in each patient in the Present Moment.
El objetivo es permitir la apertura y la expansión con contención.
For this purpose we deepen the knowledge of Chakras and Energy Body. We also teach how to read the patient and to elicit complicity for healing
Hence, we explore the inclusion of genital touch, awareness of rhythm, integration, pulse, and the gradual expansion of feeling into a sense of totality.
We combine the rise of energy that gives us power with a greater courage to feel each part of the way, allowing transformation rather than pushing the limit.
Utilizamos la Presencia y la Sensación Sentida para acompañar el toque.
Ampliamos la capacidad de sentir, aceptar y compartir.
En la Parte 2 también abordamos cómo trabajar una sesión con un paciente para todos aquellos interesados. Compartimos un protocolo básico de sesión individual.

Este Training Parte 1 y 2 es para personas interesadas en Aprender el Arte del Masaje Tántrico

Become more aware through touch.
Offer TANTRANZ massage sessions.
Develop touch, sensuality, sexuality and energy movement in a safe environment.
Explore subtle energies learning how to distinguish the energy flux in different people.
Dissolve energy blocks in the body that can have an impact on other subtle bodies.
Improve communication between people.
Give each sex more knowledge about its own genre and about the opposite sex.
Dar más herramientas y destreza a terapeutas involucrados con sexualidad.
Integrate Sex with Meditation.